I had a flight in the pouring rain and it felt wrong!
Although we’re always under the most extreme IFR conditions in the sim, flying
into it in real life takes guts. The rain was obscuring the runway centreline
and getting stuck behind the square of anti-icing the windscreen has. After
take-off we broke into the cloud, it was solid white all around, just like in
the sim. At this point I was laughing from pure excitement, it was so different
than any flying I’d done before. Really exciting though and you get an amazing
view at the top when you break into the clear skies above. Who needs to see the
ground anyway?
I ended up messing up in the sim and turning the wrong way
in the missed approach, “busting” Birmingham’s airspace and hoping I don’t do
something like that in a real flight.
The flights could be scheduled for any time of day, meaning
I was lucky enough to get a full night flight in as my take off time was about
17:30. This was in the week leading up to bonfire night and was a route down to
Bournemouth to do an ILS before returning to Oxford. My instructor let me do
the flight without the instrument hood and the view of flying through London’s
airspace whilst fireworks were going off was absolutely incredible. I think of
the entire course that was my favourite flight, although being in darkness does
make reading the charts and approach briefing a little trickier but just having
a hand-held torch to use.
We had a break in our training, the UK was being hit by
multiple low pressure systems, so it was a pain going in and being told that
you weren’t flying because storm Barney or Desmond (their names are cute) means
the winds are out of limits. I had about 3 weeks of cancelled flights before
finally being scheduled for PT6, the last internal flight test and a practice
IR profile. I was so determined to get to fly that although the winds at
holding altitude were pretty strong and the crosswind was on the limit, I still
decided to go. What’s more, I had my favourite (not) route; Coventry. This one
is tricky because it’s so short giving little time to set up and do the
required checks in the cruise, you start getting the ATIS and giving a plate
brief in the climb out of Oxford. I was expecting radar vectors to the ILS but
once I started speaking to Coventry Approach I was told it would be procedural
and to take up the hold. This I was not expecting and needed time to think
about setting up the hold on my PFD and thinking through the procedure, the
examiner told me I was over the beacon now so I ended up with a very messy hold
entry and rushed procedure.
Battling the winds on the ILS was tough; it was so
bumpy from the winds that I had to fight the plane to keep it within
half-scale. I almost exceeded my altitude on the missed approach and we decided
to do the engine failure drill after I was established on the missed approach,
rather than on the initial go-around which is where we’d normally do it. It
felt like such a stressful ILS and I didn't have much hope that I’d passed at
this point. We continued the flight, engine failure drill and general handling
were fine despite the high winds and diverted back to Oxford. Again, I had to
enter the hold and do a procedure, my correction for the outbound of the hold
was nearly 90 degrees to compensate and my track in the procedure was all over
the place, meaning I couldn't begin descending until I was established within 5
degrees, this was really tough and I did start descending then went around into
a low level circuit due to the decreasing cloud base (all of this was
asymmetric). I went around on my first attempt to land as I was having
difficulties with the crosswind; the examiner said he’d give me one more go
before taking control. Luckily I landed the second attempt but it was tough.
The re-test was absolutely fine, I absolutely nailed the NDB
and the ILS is the part I'm worried about in the actual IR test.
Before the IR you also need to complete a VFR radio test
(haven’t flown VFR in a while…) and do a partial panel/unusual attitude
recovery sim. I passed both with flying colours and had one flight left with my
instructor before my IR. We decided to just practice an NDB and an ILS here at
Oxford as I was fine with the navigation, radio and entering controlled
airspace parts of the route. Most people fail on account of the ILS which takes
a lot of concentration and becomes more and more sensitive the closer you are
to the ground, so I was determined to show Alan I could do this. This also
ended up being a night flight but I really enjoy those and as a last flying
lesson it went really well...We touched down after the final approach which was
asymmetric and as we were on the landing roll my ‘live’ engine cut out,
thankfully we were already on the ground! That was fun to experience and Alan
said I took it “like a man”. I just glanced over and was like “Oh, the right
engine’s failed”. We taxied off the runway on one engine and then got it towed
over to maintenance. With the mission objectives all complete, Alan informed
Ops that I was ready for my IR.
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